Welcome to the outdoor ward.
This is the place where some of my ideas that have made it into reality come to dwell. Outdoor and bike stuff is probably all you’re ever going to find here. If you like hiking, biking, backpacking, fishing, hunting, birdwatching, nature observing or anything related…
have a look around, maybe you’ll find something useful

The Sitta is a compact, lightweight outdoor seat that can be hung from treetrunks and treebranches. It gives you the opportunity to get yourself off the ground, out of the wet, away from some insects and other unwelcome critters. Not the outdoor-type? You can also strap it around an electricity pole or a traffic sign waiting for the bus! It got its name from the European nuthatch (Sitta europaea).
- use your Sitta like this and your human shape will be less obvious to the wildlife around you. Also, the tree provides a nice back support
- Or use a horizontal branch (a strong one obviously) to hang more freely and be able to rotate 360°
- don't leave me hanging...
- depending on the circumference of the tree, wrap around once or twice. When using something like an electricity pole, wrap twice
- A Sitta is smaller than a pack of milk and weighs around 250 grams. Easily fits in a cargo pants pocket
- Sitta comes in a couple of color combinations
Sitta Silva
black seat/green webbing
Sitta Aqua
blue seat/orange webbing
Sitta Solaris
yellow seat/orange webbing
Increases the surface area of your shimano spd-pedal so that it becomes more comfortable to take your race- or mountainbike for that quick ride to the store or a leisurely ride with the wife in your normal shoes or sneakers. Attaches and detaches easily and quickly just like your spd-shoe (adjust spd-pedal as needed). Made from aluminum and stainless studs.
not recommended for longer rides and definately not as flats for downhill-biking.